The Blue Dog Scientific Blog: Free Search Tools

Free Search Tools

On this page you will find our collected special internet search tools. Here you will find tools for searching: Facebook posts; Twitter tweets; Pinterest pin; Google+ posts; All the above at once; LinkedIn profiles; LinkedIn titles; LinkedIn groups; LinkedIn pulse; More coming soon...

Facebook Posts.
cyberbullying - search Facebook posts which mention the word cyberbullying
"cyber bullying" - search Facebook posts which mention the exact two word key phrase cyber bullying.
cyberbullying OR "cyber bullying" - search Facebook posts which mention either cyberbullying or cyber bullying.

Twitter Tweets.
#cyberbullying - search for Tweets that include the hashtag #cyberbullying
@DrGarySharpe - search for Tweets by or which mention DrGarySharpe
@DrGarySharpe #cyberbullying - search for Tweets by or which mention DrGarySharpe which include the hashtag #cyberbullying.

Google Plus Posts.
#cyberbullying -twitter - search for G+ posts with the hashtag #cyberbullying, excluding any which mention the keyword twitter.

Pinterest Pins.
#pinterest -  search for Pins which include the hashtag #pinterest.
"pinterest tip" - search for Pins which mention the exact two word keyphrase pinterest tip.

Facebook, Google Plus Posts and Tweets.
Search for keywords in Facebook Posts, Google Plus Posts, Pins and Tweets.

Search LinkedIn Profiles. 
"gary sharpe" - find profile lists containing the exact name phrase gary sharpe.
gary * sharpe - find profile lists containing the name phrase gary sharpe allowing for middle names and initials.

Search LinkedIn "Top 25" Profile Lists. 
research chemist - find profile lists containing the words research and chemist.
"research chemist" - find profile lists containing the exact phrase research chemist.

Search Public LinkedIn Groups. 
facebook - find groups discussions mentioning facebook.
facebook -"facebook page" -"facebook fan page" - find group discussions mentioning facebook, but exclude those mentioning facebook pages.

Search LinkedIn Pulse. 
"linkedin profile tips" - find pulse articles which mention the exact phrase "linkedin profile tips"
x-ray or advanced search - find pulse articles which contain the word search and either the words x-ray or advanced.

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